BERT is a product of Google AI, and a truly creative spin on transformers and the attention mechanism. Transformer models are directional, that is, they read the text input sequentially. BERT uses just the transformer encoder, along with bidirectional self-attention, which reads the entire sequence of words at once, in order to learn the context of a word based on the sequence succeeding & preceding it.
There are two BERT architectures: BERTBASE, with 110M parameters and 12 transformer blocks, and BERTLARGE with 340M parameters and 24 transformer blocks. The implementation can be broken down into two steps: pre-training and fine tuning. These two steps allow for good performance using a smaller training corpus, since the pre-training step can use unlabelled data while relying on fine-tuning using labelled data to compensate for lost information. Recall this technique was also used in OpenAI's GPT discussed in a previous article.
Unsupervised Pre-Training